Natela Shenon
Natela lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two daughters. She loves to spend time with friends and family, do yoga, travel whenever possible, and cook elaborate meals as often as she can. She has a dream of opening her own restaurant one day.
Natela is not just an attorney.

She is a business coach, a strategist, an entrepreneur, expert negotiator, amateur psychologist, and a trusted confidant. She sees every case as a challenge and puzzle, and her gift is seeing three moves ahead of everyone else, putting the pieces together in a way to always create the best outcome for her client.

Natela Shenon, Esq. is a shareholder of Grant | Shenon. She specializes in complex business and real estate transactions and disputes. She is a negotiation wizard and knows exactly how to position her clients to set them up for success. She also often acts as outside general counsel and assists her clients in making strategic business decisions, advises them on managing and mitigating risk, as well as general corporate compliance issues.

Natela has been practicing law for over 14 years. She received a Juris Doctor Degree and a Masters Degree in Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine University School of Law, as well as a Certificate of Entrepreneurship and the Law, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

After law school, Natela worked for a boutique business litigation firm for 5 years, before bringing her expertise in-house to an Oil and Gas company. There she did complex transactional work, before opening her own practice, Shenon Law. In April 2021, her firm merged with industry giant Alpert Barr & Grant to form Grant | Shenon, and now they are an ever-growing force in the industry.

She has extensive experience in contract law, commercial transactions, litigation and litigation management, M&A activity, contract administration, business development, and risk assessment and mitigation. She is trusted by clients to resolve litigation and business disputes, and propose advice regarding complicated corporate issues. She counsels executives, business owners, and boards of directors in matters including strategic planning and corporate governance. She provides counsel to clients ranging from individuals and small business owners, to startups and publicly traded companies.

Her success as an attorney depends on the success and happiness of her clients. If they are in an unfavorable situation, her goal is to guide them through and mitigate the damage so they can move on with their life and business as quickly as possible. She forms long-lasting relationships with her clients, and helps them reach heights they never thought imaginable.
Natela Shenon
Rated by Super Lawyers

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